For 2023, five Perpetual Pavement Awards (PPA): By Conversion were awarded to departments of transportation (DOTs). These winning projects epitomize the long-life asphalt pavements that reflect the characteristics of a Perpetual Pavement design: excellence in design, quality in construction, and value to taxpayers. To learn more about the 2023 PPA: By Conversion winners, please click the projects below:
- Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) I-55, Section 33 (MM 68.0 - MM 72.2) in Mississippi County
- Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) I-39 in McLean County
- Mississippi Department of Transportation (MSDOT) I-55 in Pike County from SR 568 to US 98 West (Summit)
- Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) C 8992 - I-5 NB, So. 260th St. to Duwamish River Bridge PCC Pavement Rehab. - King County
- West Viginia State Department of Transportation (WVDOT) I-64 Milepost 179.20 - 181.60 in Greenbrier County