Innovation ensures engineers build long-lasting solutions for their communities. As Americans work to pave the way for future generations, protect our natural resources, and ensure we are good neighbors, the asphalt industry stands ready to partner with agencies to build safe, dependable roadways. Cutting emissions, conserving raw materials, and addressing aging infrastructure needs demand innovation, research, and partnership. Learn about the proven ways Asphalt Delivers for your community.

Using reclaimed asphalt pavement and warm-mix asphalt reduces emissions equal to removing 566,000 cars annually. Asphalt delivers again and again for the environment, climate, and your community.

Asphalt is the smooth pavement saving drivers 2–5% in fuel consumption, tire wear, and vehicle repair and maintenance. Asphalt delivers the best ride for your community.

ICYMI: Careful planning and accelerated construction techniques allow 70% faster construction of asphalt pavements. Asphalt delivers livable solutions to reconnect your community.

DYK: Specialty asphalt mixtures can reduce a vehicle’s splash and spray by 95% on wet pavements. Asphalt delivers safe solutions for your community.
With a proven history of performance, polymer-modified asphalt enhances pavement construction and extends pavement life up to 10 years while lowering maintenance costs. Asphalt delivers longevity for our community.

Did You Know: Smoother roads can reduce annual GHG emission equivalents by 75,000 cars in California alone? LEARN MORE: Asphalt delivers environmental sustainability for our future.

The asphalt industry aims to be net zero by 2050. In fact, cradle-to-gate emissions associated with asphalt mix production represented 0.3% of total U.S. GHG emissions

Asphalt companies create careers in the locations they operate, employing nearly 900,000 Americans with 95.7% gender pay equity.

Did you know reflective surfaces can make people feel hotter? Asphalt delivers for your community.

When concrete pavement reaches the end of its service life, remember asphalt reconstruction options are 2.5 times faster and with less impact on the environment. Asphalt delivers solutions for our community.
Can your road do that? Asphalt binder found in reclaimed asphalt pavement is a purpose-built construction material used in its natural form. It is never burned as an energy source, instead reused as a binding agent again and again. Asphalt delivers for our community.
Did you know? Mean radiant temperature – a calculation of heat emitted by surrounding surfaces – is 7 degrees higher on reflective pavement. Asphalt delivers for our community.