One of the APA’s primary purposes is to educate pavement designers and engineers about the latest asphalt paving specifications, best practices, and news. The APA accomplishes this by highlighting education and training efforts, exhibiting at tradeshows, and serving as a resource for our audience. Learn more about our upcoming events.
Events & Training
World of Asphalt
World of Asphalt Show & Conference is the leading exposition and education resource for the asphalt industry. The event features in-depth industry-focused educational programming and comprehensive exhibits that showcase the latest technologies and innovations in asphalt-related equipment, products, and services.
Recognized as a ‘Fastest 50’ trade show, the growth show-to-show brings exhibitors together with their key audience. In 2024, over 15,100 attendees participated in the event including upper management, managers, purchasers, estimators, marketing/sales professionals, foremen, operators, and maintenance and mechanical workers. Attendees met with over 440 of the industry’s leading manufacturers and service providers in the aggregate, asphalt, pavement maintenance and traffic safety industry sectors. The next show is March 25-27, 2025, in St. Louis, MO.
Meetings & Conferences
The asphalt industry offers many conferences each year to help people expand their network and knowledge base, present new ideas, meet new people, and expand horizons.
The APA and its partners offer webinars throughout the year on a variety of topics related to the asphalt industry. With knowledgeable presenters from around the county, these webinars are dedicated to teaching best practices for testing, design, and application of asphalt delivered to you in the comfort of your home or office.
Training Opportunities
Training can enhance professional skills, teach attendees something new, and offer chances to meet peers. Join these asphalt industry experts at a training.
Virtual Lunch & Learns
The Asphalt Pavement Alliance will host a free virtual lunch and learn in your office at your convenience. The presentations are presented by subject matter experts and most presentations are eligible for professional development hours (PDHs). Participants’ registration certifications will be provided through